
The ultimate goal of Pectus Carinatum bracing is to produce a significant correction of any protrusions and leave the chest in an aesthetic and symmetrical shape.

Visual changes are therefore the primary mechanism for determining results of PC treatment. We can also apply measurement techniques to record changes/improvements in the chest. These include:

  • Angle: Reduction of chest wall angle
  • Depth: Reduction in Anterior-Posterior (A-P) depth
  • Ratio: Reduction of Anterior-Posterior (A-P) depth compared to Lateral-Lateral (L-L) width expressed as a ratio
  • Symmetry: Reduction in lateral chest wall variance (Left A-P – Right A-P)
unnamed 3

Angle: Reduction of chest wall angle

unnamed 2

Ratio: Reduction of Anterior-Posterior (A-P) to Lateral-Lateral (L-L) ratio

unnamed 1

Symmetry: Reduction in lateral chest wall variance (Left A-P – Right A-P)

Different types of PC deformity require different application of forces. Each LA Brace is designed specific to the type of PC to ensure the best possible application of force and therefore the best possible results.

In juvenile and adolescent children who follow the Treatment Program accurately, in almost all cases we can see close to 100% correction of PC deformity. In adults, often partial correction can still be achieved.

The following are some examples of the treatment results regularly seen.

The following are some examples of the treatment results regularly seen.

FV – Double Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

FV prebrace front 2

Pre-Brace 2

FV prebrace side 1

Result 1

FV Result 1b 1

Result 2

FV result side 1

Result 2

FV 1 year

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

1 year Post-Brace

Ar – central mid

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 3

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 2

Result 1

postbrace1 2

Result 2

postbrace2 2

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

AH – Double Lateral

Pre-Brace 1


Pre-Brace 2


Result 1

postbrace1 rotated 1

Result 2

postbrace2 rotated 1

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

AH – right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 2

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 1

Result 1

postbrace1 1

Result 2

postbrace2 1

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

CG – right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 5

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 4

Result 1

postbrace1 4

Result 2

postbrace2 5

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

CD – Rib Flare

Pre-Brace 1

CD prebrace front

Pre-Brace 2

CD prebrace side

Result 1

CD result front

Result 2

CD result side

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

EL – right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 6

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 5



Result 1

postbrace1 5

Result 2

postbrace2 6

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2


Result 1

Result 2

JG – right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 7

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 6

Result 1

postbrace1 6

Result 2

postbrace2 7

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

JH – right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 8

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 7

Result 1

postbrace1 7

Result 2

postbrace2 8

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

MA – Central Low

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 9

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 9

Result 1

postbrace1 8

Result 2

postbrace2 9

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

Me –right Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 10

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 10

Result 1

postbrace1 9

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Ms –Adult right Lateral

75% improvement

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 11

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 12

Result 1

postbrace1 10

Result 2

postbrace2 10

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

Ra-Central Low

Pre-Brace 1

prebrace1 13

Pre-Brace 2

prebrace2 13

Result 1

postbrace1 11

Result 2

postbrace2 11

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2

Result 1

Result 2

SB-Left Lateral

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2


Result 1

Result 2

Pre-Brace 1

Pre-Brace 2


Result 1

Result 2

A.B. - Double Lateral PC



Ratio: Reduced from +18% to +2%

K.P. – Central Mid PC

Angle: Reduced from +16 deg to 0 deg


IMG 20200305 141649 rotated



C.W. – Right Lateral PC

Symmetry: reduced from 20 mm to 0 mm

IMG 20200120 114940 rotated



N.A. – Left Lateral PC

Symmetry: Reduced from 25 mm to 5 mm

C.D. – Central High PC

Ratio: Reduced from +14% to +6%

